Ants are a common problem in many Delaware homes as the weather begins to warm and ants begin to come out of their dormant or hibernation phase. In April and May when temperatures reach 75 degrees and higher, many Sussex County and Kent County homes will see ants begin scurrying inside of their kitchens and bathrooms. Ants are foraging, looking for the perfect location for their nests that will meet their basic survival needs of food and water and that will provide warmth and shelter during the chilly evenings and rain of Spring. Delmarva homeowners battle 9 different types of ants ranging from the most frequent intruder, the odorous house ant, to the acrobat ant, pharaoh ant, thief ant, and pavement ant, and even the wood tunneling carpenter ant.
Ants are one of the most common pest found in homes according to the NPMA (National Pest Management Association). Ants can also be some of the most difficult of pests to get rid of by homeowners based on their sheer numbers and their ability to quickly relocate their colony due to a perceived threat such as a simple disturbance to their colony or the weather and rain. And with over 12,000 species of ants in the world, most homeowners will at sometime find themselves with the unfortunate task of trying to get rid of ants from their home.
To help homeowners get rid of ants in their home and to prevent ants from getting in their home, below are a few do it yourself (DIY) home recommendations.
-Eliminate food sources. Put away all foods immediately after use. Seal tightly any foods that are left out. Ants are always foraging, and crave sweets and/or proteins to feed their colony.
-Clean up all spills and crumbs immediately. Even the smallest amount of food can attract a scout that may be searching for food.
-Eliminate Pheromone trails. Clean counter tops and all areas that ant activity is present with soap and water or a safe household disinfectant. Ants follow pheromone trails left by their fellow ants to a possible food source.
-Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink or in the dishwasher. Food on dishes will attract foraging ants to the home.
-Seal potential ant entry points. Inspect the home for small cracks, holes and openings on the exterior foundation around the outside of the home and seal to deter ant entry. Ants, and other insects, will enter homes from even the smallest of openings.
-Trim limbs and branches away from your home. Ants will follow tree branches to gain easy access directly into the home.
-Keep vegetation, shrubs and bushes trimmed a minimum of one foot away from your home. Vegetation direct contact to the home can cause moisture build up and poor air circulation to the foundation of your home, as well as create a “bridge” for ants to travel directly into your home.
-Clean pet food and water dishes and the areas around pet foods regularly. Some ants are attracted to pet foods and removal of potential pheromone trails will help eliminate other ants from returning to the pet food dishes.
-Eliminate moisture. Like most pests, ants are attracted to moisture and a water source. Check and fix / remove any leaking pipes, standing water and any rotten or wet wood in or near the home.
If you have ants in your home, contact Integrity Pest Solutions for a free, no obligation estimate and evaluation and to find out more about the service options available for ant control.
Integrity Pest Solutions is your local, family operated pest control company offering a complete line of termite, pest control, organic and inspection services.