Integrity Pest Solutions offers a complete line of pest control services with treatments available for most nuisance pests and bugs commonly found in Delaware.
Stink Bugs in particular are found entering the home in the fall when they are searching for a warm place to spend the winter where they will hide until early spring. The invasive Stink Bug can be very damaging to crops and gardens. A pretreat Stink Bug service in the late summer to early fall may be beneficial to keeping
Stink Bugs from entering your home once the temperature turns cold.
Camel Crickets, also referred to as Cave Crickets and Spider Crickets, often search out cool, damp locations. They can be found around the yard in leaves and under stones and often in crawlspaces and basements or other damp areas.
House Crickets are found in warm, damp locations and prefer to be outside, however, will occasionally come inside a home or garage for warmth and shelter. The male cricket often chirps which is a sign that you have cricket activity. Unfortunately, once inside crickets can cause damage by eating clothes and even carpeting.
Beetles and Weevils
encompass as wide range of species. They are represented well by Ground Beetles, Leaf Beetles, Japanese Beetles, Blister Beetles, Click Beetles, Borer Beetles, and Asian Lady Beetles to name just a few. Beetles are often brought in from grocery stores or come into the home to seek food, warmth or shelter. Some beetles and beetle larvae can be damaging to clothing, trees, crops and gardens.
Carpet Beetles can eat carpet, furniture and clothes. Carpet beetle larvae can also cause an
allergic reaction in some individuals.
Powderpost Beetles are considered a wood destroying insect and feed on wood and can cause damage to flooring, paneling, furniture, windows and doors.
prefer damp, humid conditions such as attics and basements. They often come into a home or building when searching for food or are brought into the home through outside sources. Once inside the home, silverfish will eat books, clothes, glue, flour and oats.
Millipedes, centipedes and Sow Bugs like damp, wet and humid areas. They may make their way into a home looking for food or shelter. Centipedes will occasionally bite.
Millipedes , when they feel threatened, may release a chemical that can cause skin irritations and allergic reactions.
Stored Product Pests are exactly what the name implies, they are bugs that breed, live in and eat your stored product foods that are commonly stored in the cabinet or pantry. The Stored Product Pests or as occasionally referred, Pantry Pests, are usually found in food products or in clothing and multiply rather rapidly. There are several types, however, some of the most common are the Indian Meal Moth, Clothes moth, and worm larvae. In addition to these, infestations of the Cigarette beetles, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Maise Weevils, Larder Beetles, Furniture Beetles, Fur Beetles, and Confused Flour Beetles are often found in food products and in commercial facilities.
Boxelder Bugs
cluster together and are often found on Boxelder Trees and in sun facing areas. As weather begins to cool, they will enter into homes to overwinter until emergence in early Spring when they return to their host Boxelder tree as it begins to bud. They can cause staining due to their droppings and, similar to stink bugs, can emit a smell when they are crushed.
House flies
are a common annoyance pest found in homes when the weather warms to approximately 80 degrees or higher. Not only are they a huge nuisance, they breed and reproduce quickly and are carriers of several diseases.
The General Pest Service offered by Integrity Pest Solutions will treat a variety of
pest control concerns and can be performed as a
one time treatment. The treatment will be customized to meet the customers exact needs based on the pest that they wish to control. To gain complete year round control, many of these pests are also covered under the Guaranteed
Quarterly Preventative Program or are available under a Seasonal Management Program
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