Get 'Em Before They Get In!
How do I keep spiders out of my house? A question that many spider-fearing people have probably asked at one time or another. Spiders, as most of us know, are actually very beneficial to us. They help get rid of many non-beneficial insects & pests that eat and destroy our crops, trees and flowers and help to control the over population of many other types of bugs.
The majority of spiders are also of no true harm to you. As you can imagine, based on your enormous size compared to that of a spider, they really are more afraid of you than you are of them…I know, I know, You find that hard to believe.
We know some of you could care less about all of the above, so to answer the question and to get to the reason you have kept reading this far, the key to keeping spiders out of your home and yard is really quite simple… Just eliminate and get rid of their food source. How, you say? Well, just get rid of the bugs in your home and yard. Spiders eat other bugs for their dinner and ultimately cannot survive without them, so they will look elsewhere and move on if bugs (their food source) are not conveniently available and around your home.
So, the real answer is, How do you get rid of the other bugs, to get rid of spiders. Integrity Pest Solutions can safely control the bug populations around your humble abode so you can watch the spiders disappear…to possibly your neighbors?
Integrity Pest Solutions is your local, family owned & operated Pest Control & Termite company, offering a complete line of pest control services to Sussex County & Kent County Delaware communities and the Delaware Beaches. One time, Preventative Maintenance, Seasonal, and Eco Friendly Organic services Available. Call us at 302-858-8629 for additional information on our services!