Roaches In Sussex & Kent Counties in Delaware 


Out of all of the insects, to many there is nothing that makes the stomach turn like that of the cockroach, and for good reason. These little pests carry diseases and cause allergies to the inhabitants of the home or business that they share it with. In larger infestations, they even emit a smell in the home.  


Cockroaches are often associated with a “dirty” home stigma; however, cockroaches will make a home wherever they find a food and water supply, or they are brought home from the local grocery store or favorite restaurant. Often German Cockroaches prefer to live indoors and are a reoccurring pest that does not know how to accept the “you’re NOT welcome here” mat at the door. 

In Sussex and Kent County, Delaware, we are hosts to four types of roaches, the German Cockroach, American Cockroach, Oriental Cockroach and Wood Cockroach. Unfortunately, they are a large problem in our area due to moisture and dampness.

The German cockroach is the most common species and poses several health risks due to contamination including E.coli, Salmonella, Diarrhea and Dysentery. Contamination is caused when the roach walks directly on your food, countertops and tables causing a transfer of bacteria. They also produce allergens from their droppings, saliva and their shed skin that can cause asthma, particularly in younger children.

German Roaches are nocturnal and prefer to stay hidden. They can be found in cabinets, under sinks, in walls, behind appliances, and in electronics. They will venture out from their hiding places to find food including any organic matter ranging from food, trash, paper and pet foods. Due to their secretive nature and nighttime habits of activity, when you see roaches during the day, this is potentially a sign of an overcrowded population and large infestation. 


American Cockroaches are often found in sewers and septic areas and in basements, as well as outside in flower beds and mulch. They are attracted to warm, damp areas. 


Oriental Cockroaches prefer dark, moist areas including sewers and septic areas, basements, crawlspaces, under porches, wood piles and leaf debris. Oriental Cockroaches also pose health concerns as they spread disease and contaminate areas they contact. Oriental Cockroaches have the ability to eat just about everything ranging from trash to decaying matter. 

Wood Cockroaches live outside in moist and decaying wood but will occasionally enter a home accidently.  In most cases, wood roaches will not survive inside of a home and treatment is not needed.


German Roaches can be difficult to control. These roaches are very adaptable due to their ability to survive in cold temperatures, live without a food source for up to a month and hide out of sight and danger, as well as scavenge to make a meal out of any organic material. They are also able to breed and multiply rather rapidly. Just one female roach can lead to an infestation with their ability to produce up to 400 eggs within its lifetime. German Cockroaches also have a quick maturity cycle, growing from egg to adult in just a matter of one to two months. 


Prevention is key to avoid a cockroach infestation. A few things that you can do to make sure you do not get a roach infestation include taking and using your own personal shopping bags for groceries and supplies; checking all store bags and boxes for roaches before you bring into your home; checking closely soda cartons, beer cartons and produce bags (potato, onion, etc.) for roach activity before bringing in the home; checking of used electronics, furniture, or books; eliminating possible food and water sources (sanitation) in and around your home that may attract roaches and eliminating damp and moist areas around your home. 


Integrity Pest Solutions offers a comprehensive, systematic treatment program for cockroach infestations. Our roach treatments include five thorough, continuous and methodical treatments to completely eradicate roach activity, and includes warranty against re-infestation when following the complete five treatment program. In the case of a cockroach service, your cooperation is essential for treatment success and is an integral part of the cockroach service and warranty. Please see the Cockroach Preparation Sheet for more information.


TIPS: Keep dirty dishes out of sink. Run dishwashers regularly. A cockroach’s main objective is to find a food source.

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